研究成果 学会発表


参加者: 山田奨治、石上阿希、木場貴俊、相田満、山崎佳代子、李杰玲、平野ミシェル、加茂瑞穂



図像ユニットではEAJS2021 (16th International Conference of the European Association for Japanese Studies) において2つのパネル発表を行いました。


25 August


Illustration as the Intersection of Culture and Information 

Convenor: Shoji Yamada (NICHIBUNKEN)

Discussant: Jieling Li (Hainan Normal University)

How Did People of the Edo Period (1603-1868) Learn Japanese History?  

Takatoshi Kiba (Kyoto University of Advanced Science)

“Unfortunate” Representations of Japanese Culture: A Study Focusing on the Uses of Illustrated Encyclopedias  

Mitsuru Aida (National Institute of Japanese Literature)

Illustrations in Kyōkai shogaku tokuhon, published by Japan’s Orthodox Church 

Kayoko yamasaki (Filoloski fakultet u Beogradu)


26 August


Deciphering Edo Period Designs: The Social and Cultural Context of Early Modern and Modern Kimono Pattern Books 

Convenor: Aki Ishigami (International Research Center for Japanese Studies)

Kimono Pattern Books as Merchandise: The Innovation and Universality of the Shōtoku Hinagata  

Aki Ishigami (International Research Center for Japanese Studies)

Marketing Masculinity: Men’s patterns in an 18th Century Kosode Pattern Book  

Michelle Kuhn Hirano (Yasuda Women’s University)

Inheritance and Innovation: Yūzen-dye Designs and Techniques in Hinagatabon 

Mizuho Kamo (Mukogawa Women’s University Museum)
